Sahan Nursery understands that the cost of childcare may appear expensive to a parent/carer. However, we will aim to provide a high quality, safe and stimulating service for children at the most competitive rates in Newham. Additionally we have built in further discounts for parents looking for longer or more sessions over any one week.

Childcare Tax Credits
You may be able to apply for Tax Credits to help with your childcare costs. To find out if you are eligible contact:
· Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900
Please note: If you child is eligible for the Nursery Education Grant (NED), which is paid directly to the nursery, then he/she will be entitled to a maximum of 15 hours a week for free childcare. We operate policy of flexible places, enabling you to use the 15 hours of weekly entitlement over 1.5 days, 3 days or 5 days. If you have chosen one of the packages above then the NEG hours will be deducted from the fees. We are also able to consider funded only places. Please ask for more details when you visit the nursery.
Sessions: full day starts from 8am to 6pm, half day starts from 8am - 1pm or 1pm - 6pm
Breakfast & afterschool club: This includes total of approximately four hours per day. One hour in the morning before school and 3 hours in afternoon after school.
* Prices shown above are for fixed sessions only. Flexible hours will be charged on an hourly rate. For more information inquire with management.